- “প্রয়োজন না থাকলেও একটা সীমাবদ্ধ গন্ডির মধ্যে আবদ্ধ থাকা উচিত নয়। নিতান্ত প্রয়োজন ছাড়াও আরো অনেক কিছু করতে হয় ও শিখতে হয় যা আমাদের জীবনকে আরো পরিপূর্নতা দান করে”। (Quoted)
- The world is not always fair; not ever even.
- Whether there is a crime, there is a victim. The guilty man is lodged, fed, clothed, and entertained in a model cell at the expense of the state whereas the victim is finally neglected and left to his fate; and has been reduced to the level of a piece of evidence. Many are left just to their fate eventually on earth. Here lies the opposite episode of human life.
- Leaders and legends are not products of manipulation but of emotions.
- There are many things I can’t control, but I can control how I do or don’t respond. I can’t control others’ thoughts of me.
- Be a fountain, not a drain.
- Every time you receive a box containing something you bought online, fill it with items to donate.
- Life is short, and every moment is precious.
- Life is too short not to tell the people you love that you love them.
- Life is short but love your loved ones. Love them, kiss them every day because you don't know what's going to happen.
- বাঘ আর শুকরের শিকারের মধ্যে তফাত আছে। বাঘ একা শিকার করে, আর শুকর করে দল বেধে।
- knowledge equals power.
- With dreams to be a king first one should be a man.
- “পৃথিবী তার আদিম স্বরূপ হারিয়েছে। মানব জীবন খুবই ক্ষনস্থায়ী। অসংখ্য সমস্যা জর্জরিত পৃথিবী ক্রমান্বয়ে জীর্ণ শীর্ণ ও ব্যর্থ হয়ে যাচ্ছে। তাই ক্ষণস্থায়ী জীবনে যতদিন পৃথিবীতে থাকা, ভাল কাজের মাধ্যমে থাকা উত্তম”। (Quoted)
- Demystifying Knowledge and Wisdom: Should we create a flu virus that will kill half of the human race just because we can? Should we measure ourselves by testing our knowledge? Understanding the knowledge itself is difficult for it is sometimes such a thing that is very strange. Try unknowing something you know. Knowledge alone is not enough. There also needs wisdom. Rather, we should know what is relevant, significant, and meaningful, yet does not harm. Wisdom, temperance, courage, and justice, are both the matrix and values by which we may measure ourselves. Know thyself. A man is wise, who knows himself.
- The rule of law isn’t just relevant to lawyers and judges—it affects people’s rights, access to justice, and safety in their neighborhoods; it affects whether governments are open and accountable; and it affects whether corruption is allowed to take root and whether people can thrive.